Bristol Gaming Calendar

Below you will find a calendar and corresponding map of the various public gaming groups that I've been able to find so far in Bristol (not that I've yet had much chance to visit them!).

The description for each group should contain a link back to their (Facebook/Meetup/other) page where you can find out more. The "more info" link will take you to the Google Calendar entry, where you could then copy an event to your own calendar. Alternatively you can import the entire calendar into Google and have all of this information at your fingertips! Or, you know, bookmark this page.

If you run a gaming group and would like to add your events to this calendar, or if you know of one and would like to me to add it for you, then please let me know and I'll make sure you can do so. For all events that have a valid location entered a pin will be placed on the map to the right. Hopefully this will help people find groups near them, or just to find new groups!

Known problems:

Contact Me

Facebook | Meetup | email